Aquarium hoods

Friday, June 26, 2009

What You Need to Know About Pet Health Care Insurance (aquarium hoods)

. Friday, June 26, 2009

aquarium hoods

Before you purchase a pet health care insurance plan for your pet, check the list of the companies approved veterinarians to see if your veterinarian will accept the companies check.
Ask your local veterinarian what type of pet health care insurance plan would best suit your family pet. Ask your local veterinarian to read over the plan and listen to their advice. Talking to your local veterinarian will also help you establish if the insurance company you are considering purchasing your pet health care insurance plan from is reputable.

If you have purchased a pet that is as of yet unaltered you'll want to look for a pet health care plan that includes neutering and spaying.

Before you pay for a pet health care insurance plan you need to carefully read how the policy handles prescription coverage. Most companies that sell pet health care insurance do not include prescription coverage in their basic medical health care insurance plan. If you are concerned about the cost of any prescription your pet might need during the course of its life you should probably consider buying a prescription coverage rider to complement your pet health care insurance. Although this rider may appear expensive and unnecessary you'll probably wish you had purchased it if your pet is ever given a prescription for anything. Just like the human counterparts prescriptions are very expensive.

One of things you need to take into consideration when purchasing a pet health care insurance plan is the deductible. The deductible is the amount of money you pay out-of-pocket for veterinarian services rendered that your pet health care insurance plan does not cover. Different pet health care plans require different deductibles. The higher a the deductible you choose the lower your monthly payments to the insurance company but the higher deductible the more out-of-pocket extension had each time you visit the veterinarian's office/clinic.

Most pet insurance companies have "cap" or limit placed on each pet health care insurance plan. This cap varies from one procedure to the next a broken leg will probably have a different cap then cancer treatments will for your pet. Before you purchase your pet health care insurance plan talk to the company representative about waiting periods. Find out exactly how long it'll take over the policy to be effective and how long the general wait for claims to be reimbursed is. Most companies have a ten day period between the time they receive the vet bill and when the check gets placed in the mail. Also find out how the refund is processed. Does the pet health care insurance company pay the veterinarian directly or do you have to pay the vet and the company mails the check to you when they receive the bill.

Why you have the company representative on the phone task about any and all exclusions that might be included with your pet health care insurance plan. Specifically ask about any and all pre-existing conditions and hereditary defects that might come up later in your pet's life. Many pet owners especially, those that have dogs, discover that hereditary defects come into their particular dogs are not covered by their pet health care insurance plan. Some companies will allow you to cover these potential problems with an additional rider. In some cases your local veterinarian will be able to warn you about any exclusions.

If you are considering a comprehensive health care insurance plan ask if the plan covers teen veterinarian visits such as; dental care, immunizations, and heartworm testing. Also ask if the pet health care insurance plan also covers the office call.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Koi Fish Food Guidelines

. Tuesday, June 16, 2009

by Randy W. Tan

Koi are ornamental domesticated varieties of common carp for decorative purposes in outdoor ponds and dependent on Koi fish food available mainly in pet shops.

Koi are categorized as omnivorous fish thriving for both plant and meat substances. Scientifically-manufactured fish foods are suitable for feeding them to enhance their coloration and propagation.

Koi are cold-water fish which normally live between temperatures of 15-25 degrees Celsius (59-77degrees Fahrenheit) and do not react in cold weather temperatures. Their food intake decreases during winter time in view of the fact that their digestive system slowly processes the food they take.

Their appetite comes back when the water becomes warm in spring time.Pet supply shops offer assorted Koi fish food that is scientifically manufactured for Koi and other fish in the form of pellets.

Fish foods are formulated to be nutritionally balanced. Majority of Koi food comes into two varieties: floating and sinking. Floating fish foods encourage Koi to come to the surface and also provide the opportunity to feed your Koi in the palm of your hands. However, Koi are bottom-feeding fish and best suited to sinking food.

Formulated Koi fish food contains various elements such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals which are essential to promote healthy bodies, growth, and propagation. Proteins allow Koi to develop, repair damaged tissues, and produce eggs and sperms.

Carbohydrates are the source of energy for Koi and helps in the metabolism. Fats work in a similar fashion and pro. Vitamins are important for the growth of Koi, normal metabolism, and increased spawning activities. Minerals aid in basic metabolic functions of Koi as well. It includes building skeletal and nerve structures, osmoregulation, and efficiency of gaseous exchange in the blood system.

As an alternative to formulated fish food, Koi can be fed with a wide assortment of food including, watermelons, peas, and lettuce. They often enjoy devouring live foods including cockles, prawns and earthworms. Tadpoles from frogs are fed during spring, while in summer, silkworm pupae are great source of proteins. Japan exports these live foods for your Koi and has a desiccated variety as well. However, overfeeding of these live foods will bring diseases to your Koi if not monitored properly. It is advised that these be fed as occasional treats to your Koi.

Koi enthusiasts should not rely mostly on live foods as a staple diet for their Koi. There are some organisms and foodstuff which are not recommended to be fed to your Koi. Maggots are carrier of harmful bacteria from decaying flesh. White bread contains an element of bleach which will do no good to your Koi.

Peas, beans, and corns are hard to digest because of its hard outer casing. Koi hobbyists should know the basic nutritional guides and feeding manner for their Koi.

Koi should be provided with enough food for them to consume. Leftover fish food will sometimes be stale and lack the nutritional value our Koi needs. Unattended food in the water promotes propagation of bacteria which brings disease and sickness to our Koi.

In order to have a reliable and nutritional fish food, formulated Koi fish food are recommended for feeding your Koi to attain and maintain Koi fish health, ideal color, growth and better propagation.

Randy Tan is a koi breeding expert. For more great tips on koi food and general koi care, visit

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Get Piece Of Mind When You Fit Fish Tank Hoods!

. Friday, June 5, 2009

by Joe Slavin

By adding fish tank hoods to your aquariums will prove beneficial to the wellbeing of your pet fish. Hoods provide security, and will stop fish from jumping from the tank, avoid fluctuating temperatures; reduce evaporation, and provides the ideal place to fit lights that will enhance the visual show. With the inclusion of a tank hood as an element of your display will, reward you with having fewer problems, provide a more suitable environment for the fish and improve the overall appearance of your aquarium.

Fish can be vulnerable to attacks from other pets like dogs and cats which will stress them even if they do survive the attack. The looming figure of and the peering eyes of some giant cat about to scrape you from your home is not what any pet fish desires. Not just some other pet, even your kindhearted toddler could decide it was fish feeding time and proceed to drop sandwiched, lollipops and other water contaminates.

Some species of fish will from time to time jump out the water, which is fine if they land back in the water. If the jumping fish go in the wrong direction, heaven knows where they will finish up. Well we all know about fish out of water, and further strengthens the argument about using fish tank hoods.

An aquarium tank without a hood allows water temperature to rise and fall and won't be the idyllic aquarium ecosystem. This is especially true for tropical varieties. In most cases a room temperature will vary from day to night and season to season.

Evaporation is another problem caused by the lack of using fish tank hoods. This can be a nuisance having to top up the tank periodically.

Lighting is so important if you want to have your fish aquarium looking at its best. A fish tank hood will provide the most appropriate place to house the lighting tubes. This gives a great effect especially in subdued lighting with the encapsulated light going down into the tank. All plantation that you have in place in your fish tank will derive benefits with the added light. When you tally up the cost involved on aquariums and adding the fish and internal furnishings, the additional cost of fish tank hoods could work out to be a wise investment. Apart from the benefits of a more secure environment for your pet fish plus having a more pleasing display you will also have piece of mind, and that I'm sure you will agree, is possibly the greatest benefit of all.

To view a selection of tropical fish tanks and fish tank hoods either with or without a matching base can be found at available in either wood of glass. Find a wide sellection of starter fish tanks and custom made aquarium tanks.

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Setting Up Your First Aquarium


by Jody Siena

Available online you will find starter kits, as well as beginner fish. Fish tanks include nitrogen cycles, which is produced by ammonia, nitrates, and nitrates. Fish naturally produce such chemicals, yet the chemicals must be balanced so that the fish will not become ill or die.

Starter kits are available, which supply additives, such as ammonia. Since, fish tanks require a degree of ammonia, the starter kits are ideal for beginners. Starter fish are also available, which can produce adequate supply of ammonia. If you purchased a coldwater tank, goldfish is a great starter fish.

When you first purchase your aquarium and fish, you want to make sure the nitrogen cycles are sufficient to provide fish the correct amount of ammonia. Tanks typically include plants, which plants will aid in purifying your tank by absorbing chemicals and providing oxygen. Plants also break down ammonia and water, which the plants will filter ammonia and bacterial in the water. Since, fish produce nitrates or ammonia, the plants will help you maintain a balance. If you ammonize your tank with starter fish, make sure you avoid overfeeding the fish. Use your test kits to check the level of ammonia in the water. Generally, it takes around five weeks or longer to ammonize your tank properly. You can purchase starter kits, or products that will help speed up the process so that you can add more fish.

Once you purchase your tank and prepare to set up the tank, make sure that you have a stand that will securely hold the tank. You want to avoid situating the stand/aquarium near windows, doors, or heaters. This will only increase algae build up, which will make your maintenance job tougher.

Once you tank is setup you can add gravel after boiling and rinsing. If you purchased pre-washed gravel you will not have to boil the gravel before putting it into the take, still you will need to rinse. Start adding the gravel toward the back of the tank for the best results. In addition, it depends on the filter you purchased as to the height of gravel placed at the front of the tank. For instance, under-gravel filters require that you use lower levels of gravel near the front of the tank. It is recommended that you install the filters and heaters last after setting up your tank properly. On the other hand, if you purchased powered filters, you should install the filters before adding gravel.

After you add your gravel, you can add ornaments and plants. Make sure you purchase marine based plants. At the start, you should only fill your tank halfway, and then completely fill it after you have added your additives. You want to use pre-treated water, to fill the tank halfway. Once the tank is full, put your thermometer in place. Next, prime the filters, which you will have available instructions with your purchase.

If you chose other than goldfish to ammonize the tank, then wait a few weeks before adding fish. On the other hand, if you chose goldfish, you can add the fish to the tank to start the ammonize process. You can prepare the fish for tank water by allowing them to float at the top of the aquarium while still bagged. In addition, you will need lights and a hood to fit over the top of your aquarium. In fact, most aquariums today come with hoods included. The hood is used to keep out critters and keep your fish in the tank. As well, the hood will help regulate the tank lights.

To learn about facts about sharks and black tip shark, visit the Types Of Sharks website.

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